Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide

Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide is for selective control of certain grasses and broadleaf weeds in Lettuce, Sports Turf, Home Lawns, Legumes Seed Crops and Pastures.

Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide is a 500g/L Propyzamide formulation, providing a highly effective post-emergent control of Winter Grass in Turf.

Active Ingredient: Propyzamide @ 500g/L

Similar or Equiv.: Kerb 500 Selective Herbicide (Dow) & Pronamide Selective Herbicide (Amgrow)

Click For Technical Info & Tips For Use
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Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide PROPYZAMIDE PCT


Propyzamide 500 SC herbicide

Active Ingredient: Propyzamide @ 500g/L

Similar or Comparable: Kerb 500 Selective Herbicide (Dow) & Pronamide Selective Herbicide (Amgrow)

Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide is for selective control of certain grasses and broadleaf weeds in Lettuce, Sports Turf, Home Lawns, Legumes Seed Crops and Pastures.

Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide is a 500g/L Propyzamide formulation, providing a highly effective post-emergent control of Winter Grass in Turf.

What turf species can Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide be used on for Winter Grass control;

  • Common Couch (Green Couch / Bermuda Grass)
  • Qld Blue Couch
  • Buffalo Grass

Nb – Do not apply to bluegrass, ryegrass, fescue or bentgrass turf/lawns.

Significant damage may occur to some varieties such as Kikuyu.  It is recommended that small areas be tested for turf safety before large-scale application occurs. Turf safety testing is best assessed at 6 – 8 weeks after application.

For optimum results in turf, it is best to apply Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide prior to germination or to young, actively growing winter grass plants in Autumn / early Winter.  Propyzamide is a systemic herbicide that is absorbed by the roots and translocated throughout the plant.  Therefore, immediate irrigation with 12 – 25 mm of water is required to move the chemical into the root zone. Follow-up irrigation with 12 – 25 mm is required 24 hours later. This amount of water is not solely used to incorporate the propyzamide into the root zone, this amount of water also facilitates the essential need to solubilize the propyzamide, without total solubilization of the active means the plant can only absorb less than a lethal dose of propyzamide – resulting in poor efficacy.  Best results are obtained by applying the product to cool, moist soil

When used in Turf, Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide works by stunting the growth of Winter Grass, particularly the germinating seed which will start coming up in Autumn (generally speaking). Having stunted/stopped the plant´s growth, it can not spread/reproduce. Sustained treatment is required to control winter grass, and ok for Buffalo and Couch lawns.

Pack Size: 1-Litre & 5-Litre

Registrant: PCT Holdings Pty Ltd (APVMS #: 70362)

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  1. Graham Dack

    Graham Dack (verified owner)

    Excellent service being using these guys for a whole prompt service good price. Keep the good work up.

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  2. steve marchesu

    Service with a capital "S"

    steve marchesu (verified owner)

    The product is what it is. Not made by Specialist sales, but everything I’ve bought before from these guys has done the job. Just used it the other day. The product arrived in perfect condition and a speedy delivery (in covid times). And I live in Perth, as far away from Toowoomba as you can get (almost). Thanks once again.

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Propyzamide
  • Offers post-emergence control.
  • Unique application timing flexibility – can’t miss the application window.
  • Different mode of action group – post- emergent perspective.
  • Cost-effective form of Wintergrass control.
  • Excellent safety on warm-season grasses.

Directions Of Use

Directions for Use:

Turf & Lawns – Winter Grass Control

Common Couch


    • 1.2L/Ha (12mL/100 sqm) – All States
    • 170mL per 37m x 37m (Bowling Green)

QLD Blue Couch


    • 0.6L/Ha (0.6mL/100 sqm) – QLD Only
    • 85mL per 37m x 37m (Bowling Green)

Buffalo Grass


    • 1.2L/Ha (12mL/100 sqm) – WA Only
    • 170mL per 37m x 37m (Bowling Green)

Critical Comments: 

  • Apply during the autumn and winter to established turf infested with seedling winter grass.  
  • Sufficient water should be used to ensure uniform coverage.  
  • Irrigate immediately following application with the equivalent of 12 to 25mm rainfall and repeat watering after 24 hours.  
  • A repeat treatment may be necessary on QLD Blue Couch after 4 weeks.  
  • Do not reseed for 60 days after treatment.  
  • Use only on established turf.  
  • Do not use on bluegrass, ryegrass, fescue or bentgrass lawns.

Lettuce – to control Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Blackberry Nightshade, Chickweed, Nettle, Portulaca, Prince Of Wales Feather, Ryegrass, Shepherd’s Purse, Summer Grass, Winter Grass, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed

Lettuce Direct Sown

Rate: 4.5L in 330-550L of water per Ha – All States

Critical Comments:

  • Apply pre-emergence immediately after sowing.
  • To ensure the best results, the seed bed should be well prepared and free from clods.  
  • Sprinkler irrigation after the application is desirable.

Lettuce Transplanted

Rate: 2.3L in 330-550L of Water per Ha – Vic Only

Critical Comments:

  • Apply immediately after transplanting to clean, freshly worked soils, well prepared and free from clods.
  • Sprinkler irrigation after the application is desirable.

Lucerne, clover, medics etc., grown for forage, hay or seed production.

Weeds Controlled: Annual ryegrass, winter grass, barley grass, silver grass, prairie grass, canary grass, great brome, squirrel tail fescue and rat’s tail fescue.

Rate: 1-1.5L per Ha – ACT, NSW, SA, TAS & WA

Lucerne, clover, medics etc., grown for forage, hay or seed production.

Weeds Controlled: Wild Oats, perennial ryegrass, bentgrass, English couch, Yorkshire fog grass, chickweed, seedling sorrel, blackberry nightshade, Patterson’s curse and seedling wireweed.

Rate: 1.5-2L per Ha- ACT, NSW, SA, TAS & WA

Critical Comments: 

  • Seedling Crops: Apply after the third trifoliate leaf is fully developed
  • Established Crops: apply any time before the end of July.
  • Weeds: Apply when weeds are at post or pre-emergent stages.

Best Results: 

  • When applied during cool and moist conditions.
  • Rain or irrigation is necessary to thoroughly wet the top 3 to 4 cm of soil.  This is similar to 25 mm of rain.
  • Use a higher rate on heavy soils, if conditions are not optimal or where a heavy grass population is expected.
  • Grazing or cutting before treatment is recommended.

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions.  The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    How much Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide do I mix with 9 litres of water (i.e. a standard watering can)?

  1. Q How much Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide do I mix with 9 litres of water (i.e. a standard watering c...... Read more
    Asked by Louise Palmer on June 26, 2024 1:52 pm
    Answered by the admin

    When applying Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide to turf and lawn, the mixing rate is 6-12mL of Propyzamide diluted in 3-5L water evenly applied over 100m2. Detailed directions of use are located on the Propyzamide 500 SC product screen. Scroll down to the 'SDS & Technical' heading and select. A PDF will become available to view, print, or download. Always read the directions of use carefully to ensure suitability to your situation.

Send me a notification for each new answer.

Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Buffalo Grass Lawn Or Turf, Common Couch Lawn Or Turf, Queensland Blue Couch & Turf And Lawn Winter Grass
Clover - Seed Production, Clover For Hay Production, Clover Grown For Forage, Lucerne - Hay Or Seed Production, Lucerne Grown For Forage, Medic Grown For Seed Production, Medics Grown For Forage & Medics Grown For Hay Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Blackberry Nightshade, Browntop Bent, Canary Grass, Chickweed, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Great, Ripgut Or Kingston Brome, Paterson's Curse, Perennial Ryegrass, Prairie Grass, Silver Grass Or Rat's-tail Fescue, Sorrel - Seedling, Squirrel-tail Fescue Or Silver Grass, Wild Oat, Winter Grass, Wireweed Or Knotweed - Seedling, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Lettuce - Direct Seeded & Lettuce - Transplants Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Blackberry Nightshade, Chickweed, Nettle, Portulaca, Prince Of Wales Feather, Ryegrass, Shepherd's Purse, Summer Grass, Winter Grass, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed

Tips For Use

General Instructions:

  • Best results are obtained by applying the product to cool, wet soil.
  • When used in Turf, Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide must be watered into the soil to be effective on germinating seed.  
  • It is Ideally applied around Mid-Autumn or as the climate gets colder and the days get shorter and will be effective during the entire Autumn-Winter-Spring cycle. 


  • Prior to pouring, shake the container vigorously, then add the required quantity of Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide to water in the spray vat while stirring or with agitators in motion. 
  • Do not mix with other pesticides.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight. 
  • Keep from contact with fertilisers, insecticides, fungicides and seeds. 
  • Protect from frost.


  • Do not use Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide on heavy red and peat soils.

Safety Directions:

  • Will irritate the eyes and skin. 
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. 
  • When preparing the spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, a washable hat and elbow-length PVC gloves. 
  • After use, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. 
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 13 11 26.
  • Additional information is listed in the Safety Data Sheet SDS.

What Is Winter Grass:

Botanical name: Poa annua


  • A grassy winter annual with perennial and biennial bio-types. Light green in colour with a tufted growth habit and a white panicle inflorescence germinating from Late winter throughout spring and summer. 
  • Leaf-blades possess a folded venation with a long ligule and boat-shaped leaf tips that curl up at the ends.
  • A highly adaptive weed that can thrive in shaded areas and full sun depending on moisture conditions. 
  • Tolerates low mowing heights and can persist in golf greens all year round. 
  • Plants reach maturity quickly and seed profusely making them aggressive weeds that can be difficult to control.

​This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Do not harvest, graze or cut for stock food or for seed for 25 days after application.

SDS & Technical

Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide SDS Download Pdf

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